Akamatwa muda mchache kabla ya kutimiza azma ya kuchoma Quran

Kiongozi mmoja wa Kanisa nchini Marekani anayeishi jimboni Florida, Terry Jones alitiwa mikononi mwa polisi jana muda mchache tu kabla ya kutimiza azimio lake la kuchoma Quran takriban elfu tatu, katika siku ambayo taifa hilo lililkuwa likiadhimisha miaka 12 tangu Marekani ishambuliwe kigaidi Septemba 11.

Magazeti kadhaa ya jimboni Florida yaliandika ifuatavyo:

The Tampa Tribune: "When he and another pastor were pulled over by Polk County sheriff's deputies near the small town of Mulberry, their pickup bed was full of kerosene-soaked Qurans - and they were towing a 
large, barbeque-style grill behind the truck. The arrest happened shortly before 5 p.m., when Jones was scheduled to burn the Qurans - one for every victim of the terrorist attacks - at a public park just outside Mulberry."

The Polk County Ledger:  County officials had previously denied a permit for the event. The paper reports that in a press conference Sheriff Grady Judd said Jones had been stopped because his trailer did not have a license plate and he has been charged with "unlawful conveyance of fuel and unlawful carry of a firearm."
Essentially, Judd said, Jones was driving a "bomb" down the road.
"We couldn't allow that vehicle to continue down that road," Judd alinukuliwa na gazeti kusema hayo.

The AP: "Jones is the pastor of a small evangelical Christian church. His congregation burned a Koran in March 2011, and last year he promoted an anti-Muslim film. His actions have sparked violence in the Middle East and Afghanistan. The U.S. Central Command, based at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, earlier this week had urged him not to go through with Wednesday's event."

Hii si mara ya kwanza kwa Jones kufanya jaribio la kuchoma Quran kwani miaka mitatu iliyopita, alipigiwa simu na Robert Gates, Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Ulinzi wa wakati huo, akimtaka aachane na mpango wake wa kuchoma kitabu hicho kitakatifu cha Waisalam, kwa sababu kufanya hivyo kungehatarisha maisha ya askari wa Marekani waliopo ng'ambo, duniani kote. 

Pamoja na kuwa alitii wito huo, mwaka 2012 mwezi Aprili alitimiza azma yake hiyo.

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