
This is why AL SHABAAB is butchering Kenyans! See what KARANGI is doing in Kismayo.

According to a United Nations report that was released in June last year, Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) under the leadership of General Julius Waweru Karangi is smuggling charcoal and sugar through the port of Kismayo after they drove out Al Shabaab.

The UN report which attracted local and international condemnation said Karangi and his “boys” were involved in illegal importation of charcoal and sugar through Kismayo that was later sneaked to Kenya through Garissa and Mandera border points.

Although the Jubilee Government under the leadership of President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, William Ruto, dismissed these reports, details have emerged showing Karangi and other senior KDF officials have been selling millions of bags of charcoal thorugh Kismaiyo.

The first one to reveal this was controversial city lawyer, Ahmednasir Abdullahi, who said Karangi and his coterie have been operating illegal charcoal and sugar trade in Kismayo and that is why Al Shabaab are angry.

He said Karangi and some rogue Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) officials are operating a multi-billion sugar and charcoal trade that has claimed lives of 5 KRA junior officers who have tried to expose what goes on along the Kenya/ Somalia border.

Ahmednasir, who is the owner and founder of Nairobi Law Monthly, said Al Shabaab are killing Kenyans because of what Karangi and his cronies have been doing in the Kismayo port.

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